Schweizerische Numismatische Gesellschaft SNG - Société Suisse de numismatique SSN - Società Svizzera di numismatica SSN
Die Schweizerische Numismatische Gesellschaft (SNG) engagiert sich seit mehr als 125 Jahren für die Numismatik - La Société suisse de numismatique (SSN) s'engage depuis plus de 125 ans en faveur de la numismatique

Becoming member

By joining the Swiss Numismatic Society you will be able to participate directly at the latest developments in numismatic research.

You will receive the annual Swiss Numismatic Review and the quarterly Swiss Numismatic Gazette and benefit from discounts on special publications.

Members are invited to attend the Society's lectures and receptions: these events provide excellent networking opportunities for scholars, collectors and dealers.

Further information and application
