Schweizerische Numismatische Gesellschaft SNG - Société Suisse de numismatique SSN - Società Svizzera di numismatica SSN
Die Schweizerische Numismatische Gesellschaft (SNG) engagiert sich seit mehr als 125 Jahren für die Numismatik - La Société suisse de numismatique (SSN) s'engage depuis plus de 125 ans en faveur de la numismatique


The Swiss Numismatic Society has a strong international membership. Its two journals, the annual Swiss Numismatic Review and the quarterly Swiss Numismatic Gazette, with articles in four languages, have a world-wide reputation.

Our editorial team performs an initial appraisal of every submitted manuscript based on timeliness, the interest and importance of the topic, the use of the scientific method, the clarity of presentation (including the standard of English), and the relevance to readers. If the article is considered suitable to be sent to peer review, it will be reviewed by members of the journal's international Editorial Board and/or other specialists of equal repute. These individuals are recruited by the editorial team based on their expertise and standing in their field.

Informations and prices
